Will CNN Play Strombo Tonight.....
Will CNN play Strombo tonight, it is listed in my TV Guide, or will AC and PM continue their quest to bannish Strombo from the network and only broadcast their shows endlessly?
Now, here is the problem.....we have a "special report" of anderson cooper listed at 7PM, right before Strombo.
Instead of watching just one new show of Strombo, we have endless reruns of AC360.....special reports of anderson cooper, Pier Morgan will be shown at least 2 times...
This is obviously a conspiracy on the part of the whitey-white boys, people from other planets (or brits) to ban anyone, cute, a good-interviewer, and the worst offense of all, having a tan, from the American airwaves.
That's how all of the conspiracies work...there is no reason to it, it's not like there is not room on a 24/7 channel to just have one new show.....no, AC and PM want it all!
They don't care how good the show is--if he's a real good interviewer--they're simply not having it! Piers and Anderson were seen exiting the office of Jeff Zucker giggling and giving each other a high five and Piers was reported to have said "Bang-on." The observer is remaining annonymous out of fear for their job.....everything is on background right now.
No, it's sad......
Sad for the viewer to have such limited choices.
The questions remain..........
Does ac360 stand for a show, "cobot" model or the model of the spaceship he drives?
Is it true that even though AC and Piers Morgan are reportedly in a bitter fued to control the network they have both agreed to ban George Stroumbouloupolous solely on his ability to get a tan, on his own, naturally?
What does all of this have to do with the earth-mother, Cher?
How many Cher's are there....we've all seen the pictures....right?
Who are Anderson's real parents and what is his real place of origin?
To be continued............
Please feel free to comment if you have information on the subject--your privacy will be protected.
Will CNN play Strombo tonight, it is listed in my TV Guide, or will AC and PM continue their quest to bannish Strombo from the network and only broadcast their shows endlessly?
Now, here is the problem.....we have a "special report" of anderson cooper listed at 7PM, right before Strombo.
Instead of watching just one new show of Strombo, we have endless reruns of AC360.....special reports of anderson cooper, Pier Morgan will be shown at least 2 times...
This is obviously a conspiracy on the part of the whitey-white boys, people from other planets (or brits) to ban anyone, cute, a good-interviewer, and the worst offense of all, having a tan, from the American airwaves.
That's how all of the conspiracies work...there is no reason to it, it's not like there is not room on a 24/7 channel to just have one new show.....no, AC and PM want it all!
They don't care how good the show is--if he's a real good interviewer--they're simply not having it! Piers and Anderson were seen exiting the office of Jeff Zucker giggling and giving each other a high five and Piers was reported to have said "Bang-on." The observer is remaining annonymous out of fear for their job.....everything is on background right now.
No, it's sad......
Sad for the viewer to have such limited choices.
The questions remain..........
Does ac360 stand for a show, "cobot" model or the model of the spaceship he drives?
Is it true that even though AC and Piers Morgan are reportedly in a bitter fued to control the network they have both agreed to ban George Stroumbouloupolous solely on his ability to get a tan, on his own, naturally?
What does all of this have to do with the earth-mother, Cher?
How many Cher's are there....we've all seen the pictures....right?
Who are Anderson's real parents and what is his real place of origin?
To be continued............
Please feel free to comment if you have information on the subject--your privacy will be protected.
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